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Graduate Degree Programs

Graduate Scholarships

Scholarship Dates to Know

Term Applications Open Applications Due Notification By
Fall Term June 1 July 15 July 30
Spring Term October 1 November 15 November 30
Summer Term March 1 April 15 April 30

How to Apply for Scholarships:

Read the application requirements for each scholarship.

Scholarships applications without accompanying supplemental materials will NOT be considered.

Please have all required supplemental items prepared before beginning the online application below.

Applicants must be registered for classes by July 30 for fall term, November 30 for spring term and April 30 for summer term.

Supplemental Items for ALL Scholarships

  • A statement reflecting your academic journey, including educational achievements or awards (Not exceeding 500 characters).
  • A statement about why you are applying for the scholarship(s) (Not exceeding 500 characters).
  • Recommendation discussing their potential for success in graduate study, unless otherwise stated
    • New Applicants — Three recommendations
    • Scholarship Renewals — One recommendation from a professor in their program of study discussing current performance in the graduate program.
  • GPA Requirements for superior academic performance scholarships will be verified by an official transcript and are as follows:
    • Master’s degree candidates — Undergraduate GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
    • Educational Specialist candidates — Master’s GPA of 3.8 on a 4.0 scale
    • Current graduate students —
      • Masters GPA of 3.75
      • Educational Specialist GPA of 3.85.
    • FAFSA Requirements for need-based scholarships are as follows:
      • Candidates must complete a FAFSA to demonstrate financial need.
      • Please make sure that you send your FASFA to the University of Montevallo.
      • Candidates should also discuss their needs in the scholarship narratives written for the application. 

Graduate scholarships awarded in the Fall are available for one year and divided between the fall, spring, and summer terms.

For scholarships awarded in the spring, the student may choose to split it between spring and summer of the current academic year.

In addition, scholarships awarded in the summer are good for the summer term of the current academic year.

Current students should re-apply for scholarships before each Fall term. Please see the information for each scholarship below to determine renewability for multiple years.

Apply for Scholarships Here

A selection committee will review all applications for the scholarships.

Scholarships Overview and Available Award Information

All University of Montevallo Graduate Institutional and Foundation scholarships are listed below.

View the list of select external awards that might be available to students.

Scholarships Available:


Scholarship Name & Amount: Bernice Finger Scholarship Fund (amount variable)
Renewable: Yes (by reapplication)
Program Eligibility: Exercise Science
Scholarship Criteria: The Bernice Finger Scholarship Fund is awarded annually to a full-time graduate student of outstanding academic achievement in physical education/exercise science. Candidates should meet all general scholarship criteria as well as criteria for superior academic performance listed above.


Scholarship Name & Amount: The Dr. Betty J. Bosdell Endowed Scholarship for Counseling Students (amount variable)
Renewable: Yes (by reapplication)
Program Eligibility: Counseling Program
Scholarship Criteria: The Dr. Betty J. Bosdell Endowed Scholarship for Counseling Students is for students earning a graduate degree in counseling services, who are in good standing with the University and have established financial need. Candidates should meet all general scholarship criteria and the criteria for need-based awards listed above.


Scholarship Name & Amount: The John and Agnes Grainger Endowed Honors Scholarship Master’s in Counseling / $2,000
Renewable: Yes (by reapplication)
Program Eligibility: Counseling Program
Scholarship Criteria:

The John and Agnes Grainger Endowed Honors Scholarship for Master of Education in Counseling intends to support an outstanding graduate student seeking a graduate degree in Counseling.

Candidates should meet all general scholarship criteria as well as criteria for superior academic performance listed above.

Applicants should include a current resume and an academic writing sample.


Scholarship Name & Amount: The Betty Gottler Scholarship for Returning Students (amount variable)
Renewable: Yes (by reapplication)
Program Eligibility: All Graduate Programs
Scholarship Criteria: To provide financial assistance to an outstanding and deserving student at the University of Montevallo. Candidates should meet all general scholarship criteria as well as criteria for superior academic performance listed above.


Scholarship Name & Amount:

The Montevallo Business Partnership

$110 discount per credit hour off the price of tuition

Renewable: Yes (Renews Automatically)
Program Eligibility: MBA Program
Scholarship Criteria: Employees of businesses that are a part of the Montevallo Business Partnership


Scholarship Name & Amount:

The Montevallo Educators’ Partnership

$110 discount per credit hour off the price of tuition

Renewable: Yes (Renews Automatically)
Program Eligibility: All education graduate programs, including School Counseling
Scholarship Criteria: All education graduate programs, including School Counseling, whose school systems are part of the Montevallo Educators’ Partnership


Scholarship Name & Amount: The Helen Perkins Scholarship Endowment (amount variable)
Renewable: Yes (Automatically for one year)
Program Eligibility: CEHD Graduate Programs
Scholarship Criteria: To provide financial assistance to a CEHD student with a verified financial need. Candidates should meet all general scholarship criteria and the criteria for need-based awards listed above.


Scholarship Name & Amount: The Margery and Katheryn Purdy Graduate Scholarship (Amount variable each academic year)
Renewable: Yes (by reapplication)
Program Eligibility: All Graduate Programs
Scholarship Criteria:

The scholarship was established to provide financial aid to students who need financial assistance and show academic promise and potential.

Candidates should meet all general scholarship criteria and criteria for superior academic performance and need-based awards listed above.

Purdy applicants should include a current resume.


Scholarship Name & Amount: The Dr. Terry Roberson Graduate Honors Scholarship (amount variable)
Renewable: Yes (by reapplication)
Program Eligibility: All Graduate Programs
Scholarship Criteria:

The Dr. Terry Roberson Graduate Honors Scholarship intends to support outstanding graduates of four-year institutions of higher education who are seeking a graduate degree.

Candidates should meet all general scholarship criteria and criteria for superior academic performance.

Honors Scholarship applicants should include a current resume and an academic writing sample.

Applicants for degree programs that include an entrance portfolio/essay can use a selection from their portfolio or essay to meet their academic writing sample requirement. Current students are welcome to use something they have completed in their current degree program.


The scholarship below addresses the critical shortage of educators in rural areas. These shortages have been linked to multiple educational, social, and economic issues. The University of Montevallo recognizes these shortages and has designed these scholarships to increase the number of students completing teacher education and instructional leadership programs and encourage pre-service teachers to serve in rural areas after graduation.

Scholarship Name: McNair Program
Renewable: Yes (for a maximum of 2 years)
Program Eligibility: The student successfully participated in the McNair Scholars Program and are in good academic standing. The McNair Program has different criteria (see the information linked above), and applicants should follow the directions on the McNair website.
Scholarship Criteria: The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, funded by the U. S. Department of Education, is designed to provide effective preparation for doctoral study for low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented undergraduate students. Selection as a McNair Scholar results from a competitive process to participate in a program that prepares them for success in graduate school. Students must submit the application form, including an essay.


Scholarship Name: Rural Recruitment Scholarship
Amount: Scholarship awards are structured according to a sliding scale where the amount of scholarship received determines the required service teaching time after program completion.
Scholarship Amount Required Service Teaching Term
$2,500 One (1) full calendar year
$5,000 Two (2) full calendar years
$10,000 Three (3) full calendar years
Renewable: No, this is a one-time award.
Program Eligibility: Alternative Master’s Programs (Secondary, Elementary, P-12)
Scholarship Criteria:

Unconditionally admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Additional criteria to be completed after the award

  • Planning to teach in a rural school for up to three years after graduation
  • Participate in other training activities to support the unique challenges/strengths of rural schools
  • Community service
  • Begin teaching a rural school within 12 months of certification

Receives certification within six months of the initially expected graduation date.


Graduate Assistantships and Job Openings

Graduate assistants at the University of Montevallo are students first and employees second. They have as their primary focus advanced study and ultimately the completion of a graduate degree. Therefore, the services they provide as graduate assistants should complement and seek to further professional development in their chosen field of study.

The selection process/criteria for graduate assistants may vary from program to program. Graduate assistants must remain in good academic standing and shall not be placed on academic warning. Graduate assistants are employed on a semester basis. During their employment as a graduate assistant, students must be enrolled at least part-time. Graduate assistants employed in the summer must be enrolled for a minimum of three (3) hours. Graduate assistants should work no more than twenty (20) hours per week.

Graduate assistants shall be supervised directly by a full-time faculty or staff member within the employing department/college. Graduate assistants’ responsibilities will be defined by the employing department/supervisor, and graduate assistants must perform satisfactorily as determined by the employing department and supervisor. The oversight of graduate assistants is the responsibility of the supervisor (department chair, staff supervisor, faculty supervisor) and the dean of the college in which the graduate student is employed. Evaluations of the graduate assistant’s performance will be maintained by the Student Employment Office. A favorable evaluation is required for continued student employment.

Student Loans

Visit the Student Financial Services page for information about student loans.

*Please be aware there may be options to assist with loan debt accrued while pursuing your degree. The Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) and the Alabama State Board of Education (ALSBE) are pleased to announce the implementation of the Alabama Math and Science Teacher Education Program (AMSTEP). Learn more about the AMSTEP Program.*